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'Thinking' With Our Whole Body

'Thinking' With Our Whole Body

New belief systems are shiny, with all the bells and whistles. But being the first to 'download the update,' we also experience the bugs. Debugging is a process to smooth out the new operating system with older features. New belief systems also inevitably conflict with older belief system features. It takes some generations to 'debug' the new belief system. 

Understand Yourself With the Big 5 Personality Traits

Understand Yourself With the Big 5 Personality Traits

Being a human today is complicated. Life can be challenging enough without having to go against the grain of our basic personality. Which is why it's important for us to do what we're best suited for. This applies to work, relationships, and even how we spend our free time.

Self knowledge allows us to do more of what we're good at, and, at least, develop strategies to counterbalance our weaknesses. But even more important, self-knowledge helps us navigate the moment-by-moment flow of life.

Social Connections Have Supernatural Power to Change Us

Social Connections Have Supernatural Power to Change Us

There is groundbreaking research into the power of community. We  become like the people we surround ourselves with. But it’s even spookier than that. It’s not only the people we’re in direct contact with who influence our behavior. The research shows that we are even affected by our friends’ friends' friends.

How Our Mental Habits Destroy Work Satisfaction

How Our Mental Habits Destroy Work Satisfaction

There’s a thin chance you'll have an industrial-style, widget-churning job. And even if you do, that daily task won’t fulfill you. You'll feel empty, a shell of a person, only partly developed. Because, on a deep, psychological level our work has to matter. And doing something that matters means doing deep work. The shallow life of pleasure, comfort, and distraction has failed. So, what else will you do with your working life except deep work?